Zandvoort extends deal to host Dutch Grand Prix until 2025

2023 F1 season

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The Dutch Grand Prix will remain on the Formula 1 calendar until at least 2025 after the series agreed a new deal with the Zandvoort circuit.

The event was first part of the world championship schedule in the fifties but returned last season after a 36-year absence, which was extended by the postponement of its planned 2020 race due to the Covid-19 pandemic. A further two races have been added to its initial three-year deal, meaning the event will return in 2024 and 2025.

Tickets for next year’s race on August 27th have already sold out, the race promoter confirmed.

“The Dutch Grand Prix has quickly established itself on the calendar as a fan favourite, bringing incredible energy and a great fan experience every year,” said F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali.

“The sold-out events in the last two years have raised the bar in terms of organisation, entertainment, and sustainability, and we are delighted to extend our relationship with them.”

Max Verstappen has won his home race on both occasions since it returned to the schedule on his way to back-to-back world championship victories. The Zandvoort crowd, which has quickly earned a reputation for producing a raucous atmosphere, will welcome a second home driver next year when Nyck de Vries will start his first full season as an F1 driver, with Red Bull’s junior team AlphaTauri.

Former F1 driver Jan Lammers, who is now sporting director at the Dutch Grand Prix, said the event will continue to be the “ultimate race festival.”

“We want the world to experience again how we as the Netherlands organise an event. It is unique that we are on the calendar with world cities like Las Vegas, Monaco, and Sao Paulo.

“As we say internally, we are ‘ready for tomorrow’. We need and want to put on the F1 event of the future, which is not necessarily bigger but better, more engaging, more innovative, more sustainable, and more inclusive.”

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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22 comments on “Zandvoort extends deal to host Dutch Grand Prix until 2025”

  1. I can see it having more because of Max but also Nyck and maybe also Kas Haverkort and Dilano van’t Hoff which is good news for me a half Dutch person

    1. Is Max half-Dutch, a third, or less?

      He and his mum are both Belgian born IIRC.

      1. Tommy Scragend
        8th December 2022, 11:48

        Being born in a stable does not make one a horse.

        1. But being born in a Belgian stable …

      2. Is Max half-Dutch, a third, or less?

        Verstappen has a Dutch father and Belgian mother, and was born in Belgium and – for obvious reasons – lives in neither country. Verstappen nevertheless has both a Belgian and Dutch nationality/passport as neither country demands an exclusive nationality from its citizens.

  2. I think this is a good one to have on the calender i hope they kill the smoke grenades a bit!

  3. Not a good track, doesn’t produce good races but gets to be on the calendar because of the local WDC.

    Reminds me of the Nürgburgring in the 90s/00s.

    1. It’s a fantastic track!!! It’s one of the most beautiful tracks to watch a F1 go at at full speed.
      Even if it doesn’t produce the most overtaking chances, I would take it over half of the other tracks on the calendar.

  4. Nobody complaining about how much money they pay to be on the calendar…?
    Probably because they are Western European….

    1. Or perhaps because the organizers are commercial party, rather than an elaborate government-sponsored tourism ad.

      1. Almost all F1 GP events are government funded….

        1. Exactly, but not Zandvoort, who are making this work as a private party.

          So it’s actually a great thing that they’re able to pay this much. Taxpayers in England, Belgium etc. might want to think twice about voting for people who spend their money on F1 when neighboring countries also host F1 but without it taking away funds from more high-minded and socially responsible purposes.

    2. Itsmeagain (@)
      8th December 2022, 23:13

      Yep, nobody complains about silverstone. Is that also cuze it’s west european, or just commercial reasons. Great to see that some fans do think GB is just about the fans. Ever wondered why so many driver come from GB?

      1. Ever wondered why so many driver come from GB?

        Location, location, location – as the old saying goes.

  5. Ill-suited to F1; on there purely because of Max. Disappointing.

    1. Itsmeagain (@)
      8th December 2022, 23:14

      Wonder why silverstone is on the calendar. Maybe the same reason?

      1. Don’t think so.
        Even without an F1 driver, there would still be plenty of local teams to maintain interest and support for the event.

        And separately to that, Silverstone usually actually puts on decent races.

  6. A sandy go-kart track, but only a short extension.

    I suppose that places with dictators can offer funding for locked-in deals.

  7. Unsurprising, but I wouldn’t consider Monaco & Sao Paulo or certainly the former as a world city.

  8. Good news for the dutch F1 fan. If you consider how much resistence and law suits they encounter it’s great to see Zandvoort is still commited to keep it on the calandar.

  9. Happy as I think Zandvoort has been one of the best additions to the F1 calendar over the last 10-15 years.

    It’s awesome to watch the cars driving around a proper circuit with character, flow and a real challenge rather than the boring car parks and Tilkedrones that have no character areare dull to watch from a spectacle standpoint.

    I’d much rather more proper awesome tracks like Zandvoort and less of the Miami, Jeddah, Vegas, Sochi, Korea, Valencia, India car parks and Tilkedrones.

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