Valtteri Bottas, Mercedes, Autodromo do Algarve, 2021

2021 Portuguese Grand Prix championship points

2021 Portuguese Grand Prix

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F1 drivers championship after the 2021 Portuguese Grand Prix

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F1 constructors championship after the 2021 Portuguese Grand Prix

2Red Bull83
7Aston Martin5
8Alfa Romeo0

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2021 Portuguese Grand Prix

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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13 comments on “2021 Portuguese Grand Prix championship points”

  1. I get the feeling Mercedes has already found its usual pace. What started as a competitive season might very soon turn out to be another clean sweep by Hamilton / Mercedes.

    1. Not too sure they have actually found that pace @omarr-pepper. I think the weather (cold) and the track layout were a bit in faviour of Mercedes. And Bottas is still clearly behind the top 2 drivers, while Perez is clawing back to get into the mix. A different layout, like Barcelona, might tip the balance back towards Red Bull a bit.

      But yeah, Mercedes are still clearly favourite, they have shown again that they really are such a relentless machine.

    2. Not sure why people were getting so excited about a Max/RB challenge so early in the season. Anybody with any knowledge of F1 should know you need at LEAST 5 races to have any judge on where the season might be heading. It was nailed on that RB would beat Merc this year after testing!! Please! Mercedes were around 7-8 tenths faster last season. These aero reg changes won’t have affected them that badly. Plus… have people not learned yet? Merc never come out all guns blazing in the first few races of the season. They build up slowly, taking in data and then ramp it up to stamp out any competition.

  2. Mazepin is a joke

    1. Just not a very funny one

    2. But he scored his first point today! 😂

  3. Pat Ruadh (@fullcoursecaution)
    2nd May 2021, 16:52

    Lando is absolutely killing it so far this year. 3 maximum results so far.

    1. Yes, he’s the driver of the season so far for me.

    2. @fullcoursecaution My thoughts exactly, consistently best of the rest and enough to put him ahead of Bottas for now. He started last season strongly too and faded a bit in the latter half though, so hopefully he can maintain his momentum better this year.

      1. @keithedin I think last year he had some bad luck in combination with Mclaren switching development earlier than their rivals.

    3. Electroball76
      2nd May 2021, 19:09

      I wouldn’t be surprised to see a Lando & George pairing at Mercedes in the not distant future.

  4. So, Bottas down due to costly last time out (though to be fair, he’d not have gotten much more than a point or two w/o the DNF), but at least back up there contributing to Merc’s lead over Red Bull.

    Will be interesting to see whether BOT, PER can clear Norris soons (Bottas should really be able to get there next race I feel, but Perez has to take 10 points out of NOR, that’s not so easy when there are three other cars for the podium and NOR is likely to be in the points).

  5. Not sure why people were getting so excited about a Max/RB challenge so early in the season. Anybody with any knowledge of F1 should know you need at LEAST 5 races to have any judge on where the season might be heading. It was nailed on that RB would beat Merc this year after testing!! Please! Mercedes were around 7-8 tenths faster last season. These aero reg changes won’t have affected them that badly. Plus… have people not learned yet? Merc never come out all guns blazing in the first few races of the season. They build up slowly, taking in data and then ramp it up to stamp out any competition.

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