David Malukas, McLaren

Malukas expected to miss McLaren debut after surgery on wrist


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David Malukas, who was due to make his debut for McLaren’s IndyCar team in the season opening round next month, is expected to miss the race following surgery to his left wrist.

The 22-year-old was injured when he came off his bike while training. The team confirmed he dislocated his left wrist and had surgery yesterday to repair torn ligaments.

He is due to have his stitches removed on February 22nd, following which his recovery time is estimated at six weeks. That puts his participation in the opening rounds of the championship in St Petersburg, Long Beach and Barber Motorsports Park in doubt.

McLaren announced last September it had hired Malukas, who spent his first two IndyCar seasons at Coyne. He was hired to take over the car originally intended for Alex Palou before the reigning champion back-tracked on his decision to join the team.

“I’m gutted this happened, especially so close to the season,” said Malukas. “I feel horrible for the team who have worked so hard to prepare for our first season together.

“I will be working hard to get back on track as soon as I can. I can’t wait to go racing with the team in papaya.”

McLaren said they are considering potential substitutes to drive their number six car alongside regulars Pato O’Ward and Alexander Rossi. Team principal Gavid Ward said the development was “heartbreaking for David, of course, and our entire team.

“We’ve seen how much work he and this entire group has put into preparing for his first season in papaya. But it’s often how we recover from setbacks and adversity that defines us and our character. We will do everything we can to support David in his recovery and when he’s back on track the success will be all the sweeter.”

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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4 comments on “Malukas expected to miss McLaren debut after surgery on wrist”

  1. Amazing that he’s pulled a Stroll!
    I see that someone on Wikipedia has decided the Jüri Vips will be taking the seat for St Peat.

    1. I’ve seen Zach Veach being mentioned…

      1. Get Callum Ilott in! He should have got the drive in the first place buy was dropped by his team way too late in the silly season. It’s a crying shame to see a driver of his talent and enthusiasm left out in the cold.

  2. It’ll be Calum Illot

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