Carlos Sainz Jnr, McLaren, Albert Park, 2019

Engine problems delayed McLaren on “tricky” Friday – Sainz

RaceFans Round-up

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In the round-up: Carlos Sainz Jnr says McLaren were delayed by power unit problems during Friday practice.

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What they say

A tricky Friday for us. We’ve had various issues in the car, especially in the second session coming from the engine and also coming a bit from the mechanical parts in the car. But still we managed tocomplete our programme more or less, just in time. We would have loved to do a bit more laps and prepare ourselves better for Sunday but unfortunately we were changing a lot of stuff in the car during the whole session and we got a bit delayed. So it means we have margin of improvement for tomorrow, it means we need to be confident because we know we have margin of improvement although the midfield as always looks very, very tight and very exciting.

Renault looks to have under control what happened it just meant that we were a bit compromised for FP2. But I think everyone could be a bit compromised for FP2. Mercedes and Ferrari engines normally are conservative so we will see what happens tomorrow but at least we know we have a good margin for tomorrow.

Quotes: Dieter Rencken

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Comment of the day

Cyril Abiteboul has a point about the unfair advantages ‘B-teams’ create, says @Johnrkh:

I agree having a B team offers a huge advantage over single-team entrants.

Yes, as Abiteboul pointed out, they can and will get technical support from the ‘A-team’, giving them an advantage over other midfield teams.

But it also potentially works the other way as I mentioned last year. The ‘B-team’ can be run as a real time test bed for new parts, as we did see from the Toro Rosso/Honda deal. This has reduced Red Bull’s development time considerably I would say.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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8 comments on “Engine problems delayed McLaren on “tricky” Friday – Sainz”

  1. Really looking forward to the paddock diaries. Or did @dieterrencken not make the trip down under?

  2. Burgers and frys, ummmh yummy, cabbage not so, but then I’m an omnivore not a vegan.

  3. On the upside Robert, sounds like the issue is grip & it would be a little unsurprising if Williams didn’t have suspension issues if they had to change it mega quick after Catalunya – there’s a chance they can sort that issue out fairly quickly.
    I just watched some history around the fan car and the 6 wheelers – seems like the FIA was more lenient enforcing their wishes in the good old days – compliance time-wise. A more reasonable approach with Williams interpretations may have been more beneficial to everyone (excluding a few they might have beaten to points-less positions).

  4. So becoming vegan makes regular fast food smell bad? That’s a new one… Lewis does say strange things sometimes but this certainly a new kind of strange. There must some kind of universal law at work that causes people to become more annoyingly self righteous when they go vegan.

  5. On the upside Robert, sounds like the issue is grip & it would be a little unsurprising if Williams didn’t have suspension issues if they had to change it mega quick after Catalunya – there’s a chance they could sort that the emanating issues out in the near term.
    I just watched some history around the fan car and the 6 wheelers – seems like the FIA was more lenient in compliance time enforcing their wishes in the good old days. A more reasonable approach with Williams interpretations may have been more beneficial to everyone (excluding a few they might have beaten to points-less positions).

  6. It seems to me that a lot of people are forgetting about the possibilities of someone going for the fastest lap not to get a point, when they are outside of top 10 BUT to steal a point from someone that is in the top 10 and has the fastest lap (possible scenario when someone made a late stop and is charging through the backfield).
    Or the usage of the so called B-teams to steal the point from a direct competitor, let’s say for instance Kvyat going for the fastest lap so that Bottas gets 1 point less in that race…

    1. But if Bottas was to win the hypothetical race then Kvyat having the fastest lap won’t take points off Bottas, he still gets 25 points for winning. It would only be possible if Bottas also would post the quickest lap during the last 10 or so laps of the race. And I believe it’s not often the winner gets the fastest lap. It’s usually someone charging through the field coming back to the front.

  7. I agree with the COTD on both of the aspects brought up.

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