Aston Martin AMR24 Rendering, 2024

First pictures: Aston Martin reveals its new F1 car for 2024

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Aston Martin have revealed their new AMR24 car which they hope will continue the progress the team made last season.

The Silverstone-based squad began last year as the closest rivals to Red Bull. They achieved eight podium finishes over the course of the season, all courtesy of star driver Fernando Alonso, and finished fifth in the championship.

Team principal Mike Krack said the AMR24 “will allow the team to take another step forward in 2024.” It is the first car the team has built at its new Silverstone factory, the Aston Martin Racing Technology Campus, which it moved into during last season.

“Almost every area of the car has been refined and improved, building on our strengths and taking on board the lessons of the previous campaign,” said Krack. “2023 was our best season to date and our goal this season is to score regular points, podiums, and fight for our first win in green.”

Aston Martin’s latest challenger retains the predominant British Racing Green colour scheme that they have run in since owner Lawrence Stroll took over the car manufacturer and applied its branding to his F1 team in 2021.

Alonso goes into his second season at Aston Martin alongside Lance Stroll, who joined them in 2019 after it his father bought the team. Krack will begin his third season in charge of the team since taking over in 2022. The pair are due to drive the car for the first time today at Silverstone.

Entering his 21st season as an F1 driver and seeking his first grand prix victory for more than a decade, Alonso said he is encouraged by the progress Aston Martin has made.

“I am incredibly proud of this team and what has been achieved in such a short space of time,” he said. “Not only the progress on the track, but the investment in all areas off- track at the AMRTC.

I always enjoy this feeling at the start of a new campaign, with this season marking my 21st as a racing driver in Formula 1. The whole team has worked flat-out on getting the AMR24 ready for the new season, but there are so many questions to answer in testing and the first few races. I am excited to get in the cockpit and start my second season in green.”

The team continues to use power units supplied by Mercedes, as well as their gearboxes and rear suspension. They are in the penultimate year of a deal which will end after next season as Aston Martin prepare to become Honda’s works team in 2026.

Aston Martin revealed its new F1 car alongside two other models: The new Vantage road and its racing version, the Vantage GT3.

Pictures: 2024 Aston Martin AMR24

This article will be updated

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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11 comments on “First pictures: Aston Martin reveals its new F1 car for 2024”

  1. Typical AMR but still decent-looking, although the green shade somehow seems slightly different to me.

  2. In before “not the Carbon fibre!” Of all the liveries so far it matches it the best though. Visually striking presentation…

    You know what they say about a car that looks good! Fingers crossed for Alonso…

    1. I mean, there IS a lot more bare carbon on that car. But the livery is nicely done to show off the clear green parts and the colours and styling works.

      And please, yes, I hope that it will be good for podiums from the outset once again. It is fun to have Alonso battling at the front of the field

      1. Nah, the livery isn’t done any better than by other teams. It’s just that the glossy green colour they use is dark itself and has black reflections on its own, so it blends well with the glossy carbon black. You wouldn’t like it if they replaced the green for orange.

        1. Indeed. AM often looks almost black from distance.

    2. I always thought the saying implied that even a car that looks like the back end of a bendy bus in photos would appear glorious if it was winning? Fingers crossed for this one anyway.

  3. I think in these pictures the car livery looks pretty good. Even bearing in mind there is more black carbon fibre visible. Probably the pick of the field so far.

  4. Push rod front suspension.

    1. Looks like pull rod, actually?

      1. Sorry, I am mistaken

  5. Looks good. It might be between this and Ferrari, unless the Mercedes is silver.

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