Pictures: Final 2008 Williams livery

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Williams have shown off the final livery for their 2008 FW30 which looks only slightly different to the leaked version revealed a few weeks ago.

Notable changes are the appearance of sponsor Hamleys on the side pods where previous it had less prominent position. As Pitpass noted last week Hamleys is owner by Baugur Group which also owns two of Williams’ new sponsors, All Saints and It suggested the Icelandic Group may wish to buy the team out.

More high-resolution pictures of the Williams FW30 with drivers Nico Rosberg and Kazuki Nakajima below.

2008 Williams FW30 final livery 1
2008 Williams FW30 final livery 2
2008 Williams FW30 final livery 3
2008 Williams FW30 final livery 4
2008 Williams FW30 final livery 5
2008 Williams FW30 final livery 6
2008 Williams FW30 final livery 7
2008 Williams FW30 final livery 8
2008 Williams FW30 final livery 9

Photos copyright: Williams

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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20 comments on “Pictures: Final 2008 Williams livery”

  1. Easily the best looking car of 2008.

  2. Robert McKay
    3rd March 2008, 19:12

    Ditto what Vertigo said.

    Unfortunately, I fear the F1 grid as a whole will be pretty bland – dominated by white, red, and dark blue. I’m pretty thankful Mclaren and Renault are a bit different.

  3. I like that car

    I hope it wins a race this season.

  4. i thought for a minute they’d forgotten the senna ‘S’.

    it’s ok though, just very well hidden in the scoop of the nose.

  5. Easily the best looking car of 2008.

    There isn’t much more to say really. Vertigo summed it hope best.

    @Sidepodcast: I’m surprised they still run the Senna ‘S’. I’m not being mean, the Senna Foundation is a worthy cause, I’m just surprised they still run it after all this time. Kudos Williams. Kudos.

    1. Hi Ollie,
      Maybe it’s because one of the greatest if not the greatest got killed behind the loose wheel of one of these cars, maybe they know this, small price to pay i think anyway. Nothing to do with the foundation.

  6. puddum ching
    3rd March 2008, 21:45

    looks like a ferrari with a mclaren nose- pitiful

  7. If they were too proud to use design elements that had worked on other peoples’ cars and made no progress because of it, then that would be pitiful. It’s looked quick in testing though. Would be good to see them back at the front this year.

  8. The overall design looks very good in my opinion- hopefully it will be seen closer to the front of the grid this season.

    I’ve always admired the team for keeping the Senna S on the car at some place, even after many years have passed.

  9. The overall design looks very good in my opinion- hopefully it will be seen closer to the front of the grid this season.

    I’ve always admired the team for keeping the Senna S on the car at some place, even after many years have passed.I think it shows a good deal of respect for tradition and commitment among the Williams management and ownership, and that’s something that any sport can always use more of.

  10. Is there a part of all F1 fans that likes to see Williams winning? They are the closest pure racing brand to Ferrari in the Championship.

    I agree, it would be great to see them get a win this year.

  11. A real beauty!

    I even believe that Williams ‘pay’ for the use of the Senna ‘S’.
    And by that I mean they donate to the Senna Foundation.

  12. What a beautiful car!

    I’ll have to admit it,if Nico wasn’t a racer he could have made a good living as a model.Money,looks and he races in F1…what a life.

    But,the car is BEAUTIFUL!

  13. Wesley – Nico is also a nice guy !
    Some blokes have all the luck, hey.

    I would really love to see a William’s resurgance this year. Would be hilarious if they manage to beat the BMW works team ;)

  14. Its a really mean machine! I wish them the best of luck and i hope for some great results for them this season! (Judging by the testing times, they could be a surprise this season!)

  15. I am not sure if it is because of the lighting of these photos, but the blue color looks much darker than it was last year.

    it looks great. it is not gold, it is not silver but it is very classy …

  16. puddum ching Says:

    “looks like a ferrari with a mclaren nose- pitiful”

    Copying your rivals ideas (or at least coming up with your own versions) has always been an integral part of F1 design. If Red Bull’s ‘anvil’ wing does increase rear stability as intended, I wouldn’t be surprised to see it pop up on several other cars.

    The Williams FW30 looks great, I hope its as fast as it looks :)

  17. Williams always come up with a great livery and this is easily the best looking car of 2008

  18. i knew it,they run these exciting mean looking liveries in testing and then come up with the same old boring job!

  19. It’s still better than most of the other teams’ but a bit less white would be nice.

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