BBC’s 2009 F1 team: Legard, Brundle, Coulthard, Humphrey and McKenzie

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Jonathan Legard, Martin Brundle, David Coulthard, Jake Humphrey & Lee McKenzie

Pitpass claims the BBC has named its 2009 F1 coverage presenters as Jonathan Legard, Martin Brundle, David Coulthard, Jake Humphrey and Lee McKenzie.

Legard has previously commentated for the BBC on Formula 1 on Radio Five Live and has an expert knowledge of the sport. Pairing him with Martin Brundle, who’s won awards for his ‘expert commentator’ role in 12 years with ITV, is an excellent decision.

David Coulthard, fresh from his retirement this year, is expected to be based in a studio with Jake Humphrey, to front the show.

Pitpass scoffs, “the budget is expected to be even less than ITV is spending – come on, how do you expect them finances garbage like ‘Bonekickers’?” But I think the BBC are sensible to see there is no value in flying their principle presenters around the world, especially on the licence-payers’ coin. Does having Steve Ryder and Mark Blundell struggling to make themselves heard in the pit lane add anything to the ITV show? No.

Humphrey’s background covers a range of sports including football, American football, cricket and athletics, with a high-profile slot in the BBC’s coverage of the recent Beijing Olympic games. As none of these sports involve four wheels and an engine I have no idea if he’s any good or not so please do tell me. According to this interview done while he worked on Childrens’ BBC if he had a million pounds he’d spend it on crisps.

Lee McKenzie has been fronting Sky Sports’ A1 Grand Prix coverage and is the daughter of Bob McKenzie, the Daily Express journalist. (He who famously promised to run a lap of Silverstone naked if McLaren won a race in 2004.) She is expected to work as a pit lane reporter, a role currently filled by Louise Goodman and Ted Kravitz. McKenzie won Jim Clark Memorial Award for people involved in motor sport.

Of the current ITV team only Martin Brundle will joining the BBC’s coverage, and not James Allen, Steve Ryder, Mark Blundell, Ted Kravitz or Louise Goodman. When ITV took over F1 from the BBC in 1997 it kept only Murray Walker and brought in an otherwise all-new team.

ITV won a BAFTA for its coverage of the Canadian Grand Prix last year, despite the fact so many fans had complained about them cutting the post-race discussion short ITV had to issue an apology.

Jake Humphrey biography (BBC press office)

Lee McKenzie official website
BBC Radio Five Live Presenters – Jonathan Legard

More on BBC’s 2009 F1 coverage

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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106 comments on “BBC’s 2009 F1 team: Legard, Brundle, Coulthard, Humphrey and McKenzie”

  1. coulthard and brundle are a dream ticket.
    Just hope the rest shut up enough to let us hear them.

    The 5-live commentary is quite reasonable, so I have


  2. This looks like good news to me. Martin Brundle being retained is a very wise decision, and I think Coulthard would be superb in his new role, being extremely experienced and knowledgeable and, as a bonus, intelligent, articulate and witty. Losing Mark ‘the replay what we watched’ Blundell is also great news.


  3. IF this is true it is excellent news already.

  4. I honestly prefer having the presenters at the event – I think it keeps the flow of the atmosphere rather than backing away from the buzz of the venue into a dry studio.

    That said, keeping Brundle on board has to be a good decision for everyone and roping DC into a role for this is a huge bonus that I will look forward to seeing.

  5. I will miss Ted Kravtiz and his Paddock Notes posted on ITV/F1 every week. In fact its one column I eagerly look forward to read and find “behind the scene” events. Of course there is one more “additional” source that feeds me tidbits.. I seriously hope to see Ted work in paddock in some role and continue to share his insights with Racing Fans.
    Louise Goodman- that Lady is Serious distraction. Coulthard must have been praying for his “Jinx” to be sacked for years now.. his wishes are finally answered after his retirement though :P

    Is there are way to start a Online petition for Ted :-?

  6. Think I agree with Jon. The presenters don’t say anything worth hearing anyway so why does it matter that they have to shout over the engines? It adds to the atmosphere.

    I’m glad Brundle has been kept, he’s definitely the redeeming factor in the ITV team.

  7. I will miss the ITV team. I can’t find fault with any of them (no, I’m not a herd animal and join in the pointless slagging off of the ITV team). I love Blundell and his Blundellisms (“he will join the teat at the high table, oops I mean seat”); I love Ryder’s enthusiasm and the chats in front of Lewis’ garage. The new presenters look like they’ve just left school, and the woman looks like a bimbo. Gosh, how disappointing. And I can’t stand DC – he’s so pompous. Oh well, I am deeply disappointed and really will miss ITV.

  8. I agree that being in a studio, or at least not in the pit lane, is a good idea, but does that compromise the interviews they do at the track?

  9. I agree totally with Mahesh re Ted Kravitz. As a TV pitlane reporter he’s merely good, but his paddock notes show that he’s a superb journalist when it comes to the written word. Frankly his well-written columns rather show up the rest of the team, particularly Allen’s posts which can often read like a child’s “what I did at the weekend” homework by comparison.

    Hopefully Ted will get picked up by one of the broadsheets and continue bringing us these stories.

  10. Remembering of course that the actual pictures of the race will be from FOM, I don’t suppose it really matters where the presenters are. It would be more fun to have a BBC Motorhome in the Paddock, serving breakfast or lunch for anybody who drops in,and used as a ‘studio’, but no doubt that would upset most license payers.
    I think the 5live commentators are reasonably good, and hope they can keep up the standards. And of course the BBC will no doubt use its TV/Radio/Website/Red Button tie ins as it has with other sports events and major series.
    Coultard and Brundle will probably work together quite well, I think they share a similar view about F1 and motor racing in general. I wonder if the BBC will be staying at DC’s hotel in Monaco next year?
    Is ITV keeping coverage of GP2, or is that going to the BBC as well? If BBC do have it, I hope they will return to the earlier format and show the Porsche Supercup as well.

  11. What, no more James Allen and his spastic reactions?

  12. You lucky buffs in the UK. In the Netherlands we’re stuck with TV ads, with RTL 7 broadcasting the races. Good thing is, though, that they have changed from full-screen commercial breaks, to some 75% of the screen, while the race footage remains visible.

    I am bothered, though, with the fact that TV channels, and advertisers alike, cannot think outside the 30-second-commercial box. Think of something else that draws (some) attention, but does not drag the viewer out of the race.

  13. Oh, and as for Ted and Louise – anyone who was at Goodwood Festival of Speed this year would have seen how closely she works with Jenson and Honda, so no doubt she will return to PR duties in some form or another. Ted I am sure will be snapped up by one of teams as one of the ‘stataticians’ he keeps going on and on about! Personally I’m not impressed with his column on the ITV website, its only his take on the various press releases issued during the race.

  14. Hi Guys,

    wasn’t the hamster (Richard Hammond) going to be on the team? not that he knows much about F1, as clarkson put it.

    just wondering….

  15. Glad it’s back at the BBC, because the ad breaks drive me mad. But never mind the presenters, do you think we will get THE music back for the intro?

  16. Thank the Lord.
    James Allen & Louise Goodman will no longer be invading our homes on a race weekend !

    ITV have slowly sucked the life out of their F1 coverage, we all knew they’d never be able to find a replacement for Murry Walker but JA is possibly the worst sports commentator working today.

    Good to see Martin Brundle kept on, the lone voice of sanity in an otherwise amatuer line up on ITV at the moment and I think Legard will compliment him well.

    Don’t know about Humphrey as never seen him on anything but Lee Mckenzie has been doing a decent job on A1 GP and at least she doesn’t throw herself at the drivers like an excited schoolgirl.

    DC will be an interesting choice, his colums for ITV are generally interesting and he’s still close enough to the sport to have some up to date insider knowledge.

    Good choice BBC.

    1. The facts: Martin brundle is a twenty six year veteran of formula one both as a driver and commentator, Eddie Jordan had his own team for fourteen years and David coulthard has fifteen years experience in this most prestigious of sports, all of whom i would listen to for hours, if not for their unique insights into the world of formula one, then just out of respect! Even Jonathan Legard and Lee Mckenzie have motorsport on their resumes but i must point out that the mindless, condescending diatribe that falls from the lips of the so-called anchor is better suited to some third rate, low budget, “scientific” analysis of the different kinds of dust, which would of course be aired at three in the morning on an obscure satelite channel with just three viewers, his mum, his girlfriend!? and his dog!!!! I am offended that jake humphrey is even allowed to breath the same air as the rest of us let alone be given a prime time opportunity to patronize and even blatently ignore some of the biggest names in the cutting edge of motorsport! A very, very poor decision indeed….

      P.S: I would also like to say that as an avid formula one fan since the early nineties the BBC are doing a sterling job of delivering the current Formula one season. Well done guys it’s good to be home!

  17. Great news about Martin Brundle. He really makes the commentary.

  18. Ron – As far as I know the whole Top Gear thing was a rumour put about when the BBC got the coverage in the first place, but there’s nothing to back it up. Hammond isn’t very interested in F1, so I’d be surprised.

    Beneboy – Goodman’s alright, she wasn’t taking any nonsense from Luca Colajanni over the pit lane exit lights yesterday. I’ve got nothing against her or Kravitz really, although I think some of Kravitz fuel analysis from the pits during races can be a bit misleading. But then it’s not his fault the fuel rules are as silly as they are.

  19. A pity that David Croft won’t be involved, though I suppose they need to keep the Radio 5 side also at the top and their coverage (with Maurice Hamilton) is excellent.

    Jonathan Legard is an excellent and logical choice and thank goodness Brundle’s ‘pikey’ comments in Canada didn’t turn the BBC off him; Brundle is fantastic at what he does.

  20. Goodman is great, and I don’t mind Ted Kravitz. Blundel has an amusing but sometimes irritating grasp of english with his ‘wots’, and lets just say James Allen’s time has come to a rightful end.

    I must say that I’m getting quite nervous about what’s been speculated to be done in general by the BBC. Lets hope we get a first class production with reasonable and substantial pre and post race analysis and features that allows for flexibility with over-runs and isn’t put at the mercy of silly lothesome programs like Dads Army, Eastenders, Songs of Praise, etc. Lets hope the beeb streams all the practice sessions as well.

    I am however a little confused. Will the studio be UK or circuit based? I hope its the latter as I can’t see Coulthard being happy to sit in the UK for each GP.

  21. I think Anthony Davidson should also join this new team. I’m really happy about Coulthard and Brundle.

  22. they could broadcast it with jade goody F1 without adverts is a distant memory from childhood……

  23. In F1 Racing this month they’ve done a piece on what the BBC have planned and although it’s only rumour and speculation so far they suggest that it will look like what Bernie tried to do with his digital channel a few years back (and possibly Sky as well).

    I can’t see how I’d use it myself, but apparently you will have the choice of commentary, get to choose whether you just want onboard shots, etc. etc.
    Should be exciting!

  24. Jake Humphrey was crap at the olympics. I kept expecting Goldie the dog to walk onto the set and him to stroke it.

  25. If he’s got the enthusiasm and love of F1, then I think Jake Humphrey could be a pretty good choice as host. If he’s just a rent-a-presenter doing F1, then he will be no better than a youthful Grim Rosenthal.

  26. I was discussing this yesterday with my girlfriend, and we both agreed Brundle and Coulthard would be a great match, however the BBC organised it.

  27. Brundle says deal not done yet: story

  28. I think it is a shame David Croft is not going to get the job, he has done a good job on radio 5 and on GP2. I actually like the Anchormen being in the pitlane with all the noise and atmosphere that comes with being there. If there are chatting in the studio it can seem very bland and dull – A bit like Eurosport or Sky’s coverage of the Indy 500.

    Not sure about Jake either, his experience is nil and he will be asking some pretty dumb questions of DC. At least Steve Rider has some 20 odd years of experience working around motor sport. I would keep with Steve Rider.

    Won’t DC want to be over at the races where the action is anyway, especially if he is still going to be involved in the Red Bull programe in some way, rather than in Woodlane in London?

    Lee McKenzie – hmmm not sure either. I am slowly coming round to Holly Samos – despite her history of working with Chris Evans on Radio 1 in the 90’s, I think she has a solid understanding of F1.

    Eeeek – Never thought I would come to say this, perhaps it’s “better the devil you know” Except for James Allen!!!

  29. Jake Humprey originates from Kids TV – I could be wrong but he might struggle to get his head round the the complexities of the sport.

    Now where is Goldie the dog….

  30. I like this line-up. Of the ITV presenters I’ll be sad to lose Ted Kravitz, who I think should have had a more prominent involvement in their coverage. I won’t be sad to lose James Allen, as I think he’s mediocre at best. When Murray retired, ITV advertised Allen as ‘The New Murray Walker’ and I knew from that moment we were doomed. Brundle’s commentary is excellent, and I’m pleased to learn we haven’t seen the last of DC :)

  31. very good news all round,

    i have to strongly disagree though, the studio format is complete rubbish, i quite like seeing rider outside the pits i think it adds to the occaision,plus not having coulthard there is a mistake surely, how will he be able to interview massa for example,

    i say no to thr studio idea, what does evryone else think?

  32. I think the new line-up looks great. I have no idea who Legard and Humphrey are so I’m hoping they’re alright. I’ve always like Brundle and therefore am happy that he’s still gonna be there. I think DC would be a great commentator as he’s very dry and it will be nice to have the perspective from a modern-day F1 driver. I don’t know who that Lee McKenzie is but if that photo is anything to go by, she looks hot, and that’s always a plus.

    I’ll be glad to see the back of the mighty sycophants Allen and Rider but I’ll actually miss Blundell’s terrible grammar and I enjoyed listening to what he has to say. I’ve never had anything against Kravitz or Goodman but at the same time never felt that they brought anything interesting to the show.

  33. Glad to see that Martin Brundle is being kept on. His input and opinion is vital. I also hope that the BBC keep his grid-walk slot too.
    Only time will tell whether this new team are any good. To be honest they can’t do much worse!

  34. @Gareth – Well Brundle’s gridwalk is one of my sore points. Its sad to see Brundle being shooed away by teams and drivers. And its surprising that ITV had official contract with FOM. On the other hand Peter Windsor, who is Trackside reporter for SpeedTV, is treated well on his grid walk, nobody shoos him away. That maybe because he is part of FOM and conducts the post quali and post race conferences.

    Anyways Enjoy this classic repartee by Brundle –

  35. I live in greece and I would like very much to know if there will be online coverage of the races (practice,qualifying,race) and if someone who doesn’t live in England could watch them through the internet like ITV F1 player

  36. Keith, regarding Brundle, if the ‘deals not done yet’, then why did YOU start this thread???? If I want made up stories, i’ll buy the Sun…

  37. Snooperigdog – I think you will see on the very first two letters of the first paragraph that Keith is reporting another site has claimed to know the BBC line up, not this site and lets also be fair, as soon as Keith know he posted a link to news that Brundles deal is not yet done.

    I think that is fair an balanced!

  38. schumi the greatest
    29th September 2008, 16:27

    at least the bbc are trying to get brundle. what bugs me about the itv coverage is the lack of coverage for the drivers, the only one they interview is lewis hamilton, it does annoy you after the 30th race in a row. Im a hamilton fan but it does my head in so you can imagine what it does to the hamilton-haters.

    keeping brundle is the key, he explains the very technical stuff about driving an f1 car in simple english. His analogies are great and witty. James allen had to go he is a complete berk, mark blundell doesnt seem to say anything intresting he just narrates the replay itv just showed you 20 seconds ago.

    Who actually presents the show doesnt really bother me id rather the bbc spend the time beofre the race for features on drivers, teams etc and maybe abit brief preview of the race.

    My main concern however is how much time the bbc will give f1 before and after the race, thats one thing where itv got it right. An hour build up and half hour or so after the race (most of the time) if anyone has any intrest in football will no doubt have watched a few games on the bbc and other than the fa cup final every game has 15 minutes build up to it and 15 minutes after the game before switchiong over for the eastenders omnibus.

  39. soooperpigdog – As Scott said, I couldn’t have made it more clear that this is what another site is reporting – look at the first two words of the article.

  40. Did Jake Humphrey specify what kind of crisps he’d spend a million pounds on? Because if they were Walkers then surely he’s in the wrong sport.

    Poor joke.

  41. Ted Cravitz couldve been kept, he was actually half decent. What would be we’d not be missing (all sic) is Blundles blundellisms. i give you 2 classics

    “The people who worry me is BAR. I don’t think they can withstand what they did last year with getting that great Championship position.”


    “I think you gotta take all the ingredients what went into the move.”

    Trouble is it wasnt funny, we want insight we got Blundell!

    Great new team potentially and shes defo fitter than Mumsy Goodman.

    Having said that itv as a whole raised the bar and james allen isnt that bad, he is an enthusiast its just hes on the geeky side “ggggoooooooooooooooo” as he himself geeked many a time.

  42. schumi the greatest, you don’t sound like an LH fan to me. I look forward to the weekly LH interview – highlight of the weekend! They didn’t do it this weekend (anyone notice?) probably down to the probable hate mail. I learnt that he was contracted to do an exclusive interview with the ITV team before every GP and is thus fulfilling that contract. Little did he or the ITV team know how loathed he is by British TV viewers(until now I suppose) and how his every appearance prompts howls of outrage and anger, so I guess ITV are attempting to ignore the current BRITISH World Champion F1 leader to please the vocal and vociferous Hamilton-haters. Oh well, I forward wind my tape past the droning smug Button and watch the famous and cringe-makingly amusing grid walk and then the race.

    I swear the only thing that will make F1 fans happy is if LH is TOTALLY ignored, like he’s not there at all. Pah!

    I do find it amazing that British commentators are allowed, nay encouraged, to drone on endlessly about Andy Murray, or the English football team, or the British Olympians in an extremely biased way, but when it comes to Lewis, that patriotic bias is just not tolerated. I do wonder why…

  43. hughes. hes a marmite man is why. black with a yellow top just for starters.

    btw- i am a huge Lewis fan, and Alonso… and the above comment is meant as a light heartedly

  44. We all discussed this when it was first announced by the BBC. At the time we said Brundle and DC would make a good pairing. And the ‘chain gang’ brought back. I reckon the BBC have a spy watching Keith’s site!!

  45. Just a follow on from S Hughes, I’m a big fan of both young sportsmen, Lewis Hamilton and Andy Murray. I just don’t understand why so many British people want to slag them both off all the time. They are both British, one a Scot the other an Englishman and they are taking the sports world apart at the moment. I’m looking forward to see how well they’ll do next year. Lewis, I hope will win the DWC this year, but being an Olympic year he won’t win the BBC’s personality of the year award. Then when Murray wins Wimbledon next year he can go into a head for head with Lewis who will lift his second title.
    Ah, we can dream.

  46. Keith, I can see where your coming from about Goodman, I’m sure she’s not too offensive for most people.

    I just think she’s a waste, her comments are normally blindingly obvious & for someone with such a high level of press access she doesn’t seem to use it to much effect.

    Don’t want to suck up just because it’s your site but I’ve read more insightful, interesting & detailed information in the last few weeks since finding this site than in the years she’s been on the team & I’m sure if you (or many of the other contributors to this site) were given the access she has you’d be able to come up with a damn sight more than she does.

    I know the TV companies have to give a show that is accessible to the non-expert fan but ITV have gone way too far and, other than Brundle, they have all forgotten that some of us actually know what’s going on.

    LG’s first few years fawning over Jenson put me off her big time & she’s never recovered in my estimation of her.

    Oh, and how good will it be not missing all of the action during the ad-breaks ?

    The BBC I-Player will be a great way to re-watch the race & if they manage to bring in the camera options with the red button then that will be awesome !

    Sorry guys, this turned into a bit of a long rant again :~)

  47. @ Beneboy:

    Oh, and how good will it be not missing all of the action during the ad-breaks ?

    Ah, but who remembers the days when the BBC cut away from the on-track action to show some snooker, bowls, darts or a ball plopping in a hole on some remote windswept Scottish golf course for some inconsequential point in a dull-as-ditchwater golf tournament? If that sort of malarkey goes on next year the sound of F1 engines will be drowned out by the sound of thousands of TV Licences being ripped up the length of the country ;-)

  48. @ade

    I think (and hope) that the beeb have learnt their lesson on that one, with the advent of BBC3 & BB4, plus the interactive services we should be able to see the whole race as any other sport will be on via the red button.

    I’m guessing the races will be on BBC2 like in the old days.

  49. DC is an inspired choice and Brundle was a no-brainer but for the love of god why have they signed up the 6 feet of vacuity that is Jake Humphrey.

    BBC viewers might remember his reports from the “fanzones” in Euro 2008:

    “Yes the atmosphere’s absolutely bouncing here” (repeat for every game of tournament)

    He’s a sad indictment of the dumbing down of the BBC in general. The BBC used to have David Coleman, Cliff Morgan, Desmond Lynam. Now it’s Jake sodding Humphrey.

    Shame they couldn’t find room for Ted Kravitz.

  50. Like most, if Brundle is kept then it’s all I care about, in terms of the team. I welcome the change in everything else, although I do hope they do proper build ups and post-race discussions – maybe even during free practice, which I hope they will show on one of the freeview channels, at least.

    Kravitz was alright, but I won’t miss him. Goodman I think had the worst job come race day – find the driver who’s guts have just been wrenched and try getting a candid word out of him…for that, you would need a woman I guess! But despite her efforts, I won’t miss her either.

    DC, if confirmed, would be great at this, he’s perfectly candid with many an issue and can be pretty funny at times.

  51. michael counsell
    29th September 2008, 20:34

    Best news ever.

  52. I would like to see BBC’s Andrew Benson doing Ted Kravitz.. Get paddock insights. I have seen its written here about Ted, that all he does is publish team’s press releases. Well that is partial truth, While Ted uses his influence and paddock buddies to write the notebook, many times depending upon situation his paddock buddies may have an off day and all he will get is press release. But thats part of the game I think

    Also another name missing is their current radio5 commentator,David Croft. I have followed Croft on those occassions when I don’t get access to live telecast, and he does good job.
    Of course having a Brit driver and Brit team as leading contender of championship for two years, will obviously compromise neutrality to certain extent. I am interested to see how BBC TV will fare on this front :D

  53. schumi the greatest
    30th September 2008, 9:16

    @ s hughes:

    i am a huge fan of LH hes the main reason i regained my high intrest in f1. I just like to hear about the other drivers aswell. All itv’s coverage is geared towards him, obviously you’d expect them to be slightly biased towards the brits being a brit tv channel but there’s 19 drivers who are not british and i wouldnt mind learning more about them. The problem is they very rarley critisice LH. No one can say he is the finished article yet but itv already make out hes a multiple champion (apart from brundle)

    You may think if i was a fan of LH id want to hear about him all the time but i dont, i want him to win every race yes but that doesnt mean i dont want to hear about the other drivers.

  54. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story, eh Keith?? ;)

  55. Although Steve Rider is too ‘formal’, at least he has motorsport experience, and is a genuine fan. Jake Humphrey is fine at football, so just keep him there. Also, losing Kravitz is a loss, having been involved in F1 since being sat next to Murray and Martin at the beginning of ITV’s coverage. Legard is fine, so I would keep Rider and Kravitz, remove Humphrey and McKenzie, and that would a be a very decent line-up for next year.

  56. Im suprised no-ones mentioned it yet but i dont care if Bernard Cribbins fronts it as long as they play The Chain.

  57. @antonyob

    I personally tend to have Fleetwood Mac’s “The Dance” in the CD player on race days and just play it to myself, albeit very loudly, just before the race starts.

    I don’t think there’s ever been a more appropriate piece of music for anything else on TV and I would love it if BBC had it for their shows as it really gets you in the mood.

    John McVie’s base line & Lindsey Buckingham’s guitar riffs for that song are just genius !

    Moby just doesn’t compare.

  58. Too bad about Ted I didn’t think he was too bad.

    Shame David Croft didn’t make the spot next to Brundle either.

    So what happens to the GP2 coverage? Is that off to the BBC? I hope that doesn’t fade away after ’08.

  59. great move getting brundle, only just found out that bbc got coverage back, lol, and as soon as i heard i immediatley wanted them to get him,

    and i do think having steve ryder and mark blundell in the pits helps, and i dont know what the writer watches but i never have a problem hearing them or can remember them struggling to be heard. i think the studio coverage wont be as good as pit lane coverage

  60. soooperpigdog – As I put in the very first line, this is what Pitpass are claiming. I’m keen to ensure what I’ve put is as accurate as possible, which is why I linked to their story and then added a link the Brundle story. This is still all claim and counter-claim and when new facts come to light I will probably make reference to them either here or in a new post. I don’t think banal cliches about letting facts get in the way of stories apply here at all.

    Antonyob – I put “The Chain” in a list of things I’d like to see in the BBC’s F1 coverage in 2009. But although it would be nice I think it’s more important they get other stuff right, like hiring Brundle, which should be top priority, and broadcasting in HD.

  61. Chain or no chain theres a number of things they need to ditch/change/add

    1. The lifestyle ********. Women or whoever likes that sort of stuff wouldnt tune into F1 if it was on the front page of Heat magazine.

    2. No weekly fawning interviews with Hamilton – Im a fan (and others) of his but as someone else has said we wouldnt mind seeing other racers interviewed occasionally!

    3. No midnight highlights shows – 9.25pm bbc2 was perfect

    4. Ban on calling ALL LH passing moves “amazing/incredible” as per move on Coulthard which had Brundle reigning in the overly effervescent James Allen

    5. A more structured grid walk where Brundle walks through the grid and explains who will be doing what. It adds nothing at the moment

    6. Its a technical sport – talk technical. The yanks love their tech speak and if they can get it….

    7. More use of CAD to show detail changes to cars, every media uses it now apart from ITV

    8. More use of the onboard camera sat on the rear wing behind the drivers shoulder, it shows steering wheel and front wheel and more importantly you can see the driver working the car as it slides through corners

    9. A decent Honda for Jenson to drive

    ok thats pushing it

  62. schumi#38 – I can remember the last time the BBC had the contract, and when it came to the British GP, the whole sports team was based there all day (and they had been there with broadcasts during the Practice sessions and Qualifying earlier in the week).
    They spoke to all sorts of people around the circuit, but also covered other sports too around it, the post-race interviews slotted in between other final scores….
    Now, admittedly that was only during the British GP, but ITV have never even attempted to do that!

  63. yea, what is with everyone making hamilton seem like a racing god, he is good, but, in singapore, passing coulthard, james allen couldnt believe someone could do a move like that, yet two laps prior to this, someone done the exact same pass and got a mild reaction,

    who else thinks that the itv opening sequence is really good,

    another thing how is button being paid so much, he is behind barrachielo who i wouldnt call a good driver, yet is paid close to that of the ferrari’s or mclaren drivers.

  64. y is jake humphrey presenting this show with coulthard, humphrey is just a waste of time. he is the only down side to this new deal on bbc

  65. Have to say I’m slightly dubious about some of the line up. Martin and DC are cool and Lee McKenzie looks fine, just hope she knows her stuff. Suzi Perry for the Moto GP is awesome and gets a lot of good scoops etc, becasue she’s a chick and knows her stuff. If Lee is ditzy then she’ll be a laughing joke.

    The others I really not sure they’d be any good, but hopefully I’ll/we be proved wrong

    But I’m looking forward to it immensly. No ad breaks is going to be such a relief, and hopefully it’ll be in HD which would rock. As someone said, I just hope the BBC give it the same airtime before and after. As with this year when there is bound to be many thing to talk about, and it that really needs some respectable air time.

    Also, as someone else said, I have heard the Beeb will bring back the Fleetwood Mac theme. Here’s hoping they do cos it was perfect

  66. Accidental Mick
    24th October 2008, 12:47

    I am with you there – I’m old enough to remember ther Beeb pulling stunts like thatbut hope that as Beneboy (48) said BBC have learnt from ITV.

    Do I remember correctly, is (or was) Brundle DC’s manager?

  67. Its great that F1 is back on the Beeb. The shocking amount of adverts on ITV1 were driving me bananas, well I used these breaks to make a cuppa or use the loo, but that is besides the point….why have adverts on a live programe? would you be happy to see an ad break 20 minutes into a football game?….yes I know F1 is a long race but do they really need so many ad breaks?….ITV, if you couldnt afford to broadcast F1 without so many adverts, then why bother and spoil it for fans?

    I still have not forgiven ITV for “That Ad Break” during the 2005 San Marino race 3 laps from the finish. For this reason alone they do not ever deserve to host any F1 races again. I waited years for a close finish like that (between Alonso and Schumacher) and ITV cut into and ad break!!!! Then they insult the viewing public by showing the last three laps at the end of the race without even an apology, thats just disgusting.

    The excuse from the producer was that they were

    “obliged to include five commercial breaks during a race and that they did not want to take the final break while Jenson Button was in the lead”

    Erm….excuse me ITV, but Button lost the lead on lap 47 of a 62 lap race.

    No more ads, wohoo!

  68. It’s a sad fact that I well remember the days of Murray Walker at the BBC, oh how the years fly by, I also remember the storm of feeling when F1 coverage left to join ITV. I am happy to see the back of ad-breaks. I would thank Louise and her boys for 12 years of coverage, and look forward to a new era. As they used to say at the death of a monarch, the King is dead, long live the King! Coverage will continue, we will all watch it, from time to time we will all gripe, but once we become wedded to the new team, we will howl at the moon if anyone wants to change things.

  69. i think the line up looks pretty good, at least there will be no adverts! i do agree though that dc and jake should be based at the races rather than in the studio, i feel it adds to the atmosphere when steve ryder had to talk over all the noise of the engines etc. i also hope they do have sufficient pre and post race commentary….so fingers crossed!!!

  70. Think DC will do a fab job – I’ll miss the ITV team though,especially James Allen:-)

  71. The right decisions have been made, so pleased they kept Martin, I was seriously getting twitchy at the thought of not seeing him on the grid, it is a shame to lose Ted but I probably won’t miss him once the season kicks off the new line up will ensure that!! And also to have a good looking female to give us F1 girls a good name, although Louise was ok the bangles on her arms were ridicouls though!! I can’t tell you how excited I am about next season, no more commercial breaks 5 laps before the end and no more James Allan trying to be Murray Walker. I just hope the next 4 months passes by very quickly!!

  72. I’m not sure I believe this. BBC still havn’t officially names the coverage team. Why would pitpass have this info so far in advance of BBC making a statement?

    If this is true, its great to hear they’re getting rid of Ted. I found him to be such a drip. His information during races often turned out to be complete rubbish too. James was good when he did Ted’s job but a pretty poor commentator.
    They have to keep Martin, he’s quality.

  73. Dirk Brownfinger
    19th November 2008, 9:31

    I fink what P.C. Mark Blundell done for F1 was textbook, and at the end of the day – what he done was more than what the team expected.

    Steve Ryder – best sport anchor bar none.
    Martin Brundle – ace commentator.

    Mark Blundell? Don’t get me started!

  74. Excellent news that the BBC have kept Brundle
    I am just happy that we won’t get adverts anymore during the race.

  75. doesn anyone else think feel jake humphrey shouldnt be a presenter, when i heard he was i immediatley ws a bit annoyed and didnt know why he was chosen.

  76. David Coultard was useless as a driver,(what did he ever win) and will be useless as a commentator in my opinion, (l have heard him stuttering away between kissing his girlfriend yuk) lets hope the BBC choose better, Steve Ryder is just so boring, Martin Brundle is a little bully, come on Aunty surprise us with a new better gang of Commentators PLEASE.

  77. So pleased to see end of the poor ITV coverage, the visual/sound effects were absolute rubbish.

  78. David Coultard was useless as a driver,(what did he ever win)


    13 races. Putting him equal 18th in terms of races wins. Stirling Moss is the only driver to have more wins and no title, and 13 drivers have less wins than him and managed to win a title.

    That’s not insignificant.

  79. l think David won one race in last 5 years and came no where near in others, no that is not significant l am afraid, in recent times he crashed more often than not,a terrible record,only Button compared as poor.

  80. Again… what?

    If you’re in an uncompetitive car, you won’t win races.

    Perhaps Peost was rubbish because he went all of 1991 without a win. Perhaps Schumacher was rubbish because he didn’t have a proper win in 2005 (US GP doesn’t really count for obvious reasons) Perhaps Alonso is rubbish because he sprnt most of this year coming nowhere near a win.

    Or possinly it was that they didn’t have a car capable of winning.

    And besides, since when did winning races become a requirement for good commentry? Good knowledge of the subject, yes, and having been in it for 14 years at both ends of the grid, you’d struggle to say he hasn’t got thst.

  81. I dont’t agree that you can’t win races if you are in an uncompetitive car. I think it depends on how many risks a driver is willing to take.

  82. I realise it’s a bit late in the day to be commenting on the whole BBC acquisition of F1, but, like many others, I’ve been happily rejoicing at the end of the wretched adverts ruining the coverage of our sport, whilst praying that the rumours were true and Martin Brundle was indeed retained. Beyond that, I thought anything else was a bonus.

    The new personnel lineup however has caused me to react in horror. I’m sure that DC will be a valuable, knowledgeable and entertaining addition,- but the other three? Jake Humphrey? Fine for kiddies TV as he’s pretty close to that age and mentality himself, but was awful at the olympics, and will surely be out of his depth here. Far more suited to discussing Spongebob Squarepants than the finer points of aerodynamic fine-tuning and airflow stability. Jonathan Legand, seems like a nice bloke and all that, but the man is boredom personified. I’ve never heard of Lee McKenzie, so checked her website: seems a jack-of-all-trades reporter with a liking for Scottish food and is a fan of the unintelligible Robbie Burns,- just what we need. I wonder what the very capable and professional Louise Goodman did to be replaced by such a character? Must have been something serious.

    I realise that everyone will have their own favourites and choices, but it really does seem that this is a “put up” job. The Beeb already have an excellent, knowledgable and entertaing commentator in Charlie Cox, now wasted on the inanity of superbikes. Lou Goodman is a natural, and surely with all the presenters across the spectrum working for them, they could have found someone, anyone, far more worthy to front the programme?

    Ah well, as I said at the beginning, no more adverts, and we still have Brundle. Everything else may not, after all, be a bonus, but that alone is a pretty good start.

  83. i hope bbc dont go on about Lewis Hamilton all the time becuse a 1 time i was thinkin i dont what to see this any more i i dont know what it is but i just dont like lewis hamilton

    1. i agree with richard, at first i though that lewis hamolton was a good thing but after itv always focused on him and no one else i started to get annoyed and stopped liking him.

  84. English Pete
    9th March 2009, 21:13

    Having read Richard and Jacobs comments about Lewis Hamilton I would like to know if they are English, or even British and if they are either then they are definitely not patriotic, as Lewis is the greatest f1 driver this country has ever had and seen.
    Lewis deserves all the publicity the BBC can give him and more, still there’s always a very small minority isn’t there!

  85. Liking the look of the coverage team on the bbc, itv had only one good person and you kept him and canned the rest!! Good call! Now, is THE formula one music going to comeback and complete my season?

    1. Just what I was thinking and hoping, the Chain seemed to sum up the drama for me, every time I hear it I think of F1.

  86. I enjoyed 5 Live commentary in the past and comparing Jonathan Legard to James Allen I prefer the former.

    As a commentator Legard is involved in and gripped by the unfolding drama of the sport, and it is a sport. James Allen has come across as an overgrown schoolboy who is excited by the spectacle of sound, colours and noise and at the money and the girls but who distances us from the sport. As such Allen did not describe drivers as sportsmen but rather as heroes with unattainable superhuman greatness.

    Formula one is a sport and I believe it suits a sporting style of commentary which i think is Jonathan Legard’s style. I also like that he is less likely to be condescending.

  87. How dull and boring was the commentary at the Australian GP.

    I am glad Martin is still there but who is the boring person who is working along side him, he definitely needs a commentary transplant.

    At least with James Allan there was some life in him.

  88. Brian Morris
    5th April 2009, 3:46

    If you want my opinion having attended and watched F1 for over 20 yrs – this is what I think of the present BBC F1 team of presenters:

    Martin Brundle – top man – great he’s part of the team.

    Jonathan Legard – needs to SHUT UP more often – we are watching moving pictures on the YV not listening to the radio…is he paid by the number of words he can get in a minute and he’s boring.

    David Coulthard – Boring – why TV producers constantly make the mistake of using ex sports people as presenters – is mad – some make it most do not.

    Jake Humphrey – great on the TV durng the China Olympics – but you get bored by his presentation style very quickly

    Lee McKenzie – waste of space

    If anyone at the BBC is reading this – if you want to retain the viewers of F1 – use or bring back the ITV crew – they were 10 times better that the BBC team (ex Martin Brundle)

    I hate listening to the verbal diarrhea from the presenters – Martin knows how to pace the commentry – the others sound amateurish, boring and seem to love the sound of their own voices – I don’t so shut up.

  89. i think that the f1 line is just awful david is good eddie is ok jake not that good jonathan legard is just terrible i know we shound give him a chance but for god sack bring james allien and mark brundel

  90. does any one agree that Legard should stick to radio today on teh final lap he came out with so much rubbish, he often spoke over brundle (who i think is just right) tell us things we have just seen. he ahs ruined my viewing someone tell him to calm down.

  91. Robert Stanton
    25th April 2009, 14:00

    Brilliant coverage from the BBC. Articulate commentators,in-depth knowledge, no interuptions from commercials,one small impovement please,remove Eddie Jordan. The guy is so irritating, David Coultard the true professional is itching to give him a Glasgow Kiss!! Many thanks BBC for a supurb effort.

  92. Legard is a total moron and has absolutely ruined F1 for me this year.

    @ Robert Stanton: “Articulate commentators,in-depth knowledge” – I’m assuming you are NOT referring to Legard? He has ZERO knowledge and is about as articulate as a rocking horse.

  93. The ones that need to go in order:
    E. Jordan
    J. Leggard
    L. McKenzie (Louise was sooo much better)

    1. Dave Croft would be better than Leggard for sure.

      The Chinese GP was great (and a relief) without Jordan

  94. For goodness sake GET RID OF LEGARD. If it was not for brundle I would not be listening to his commentary. I don’t care if he invented formula 1 he bores me to tears.

    BBC — Get rid of him, Get James Allen back or to make my life complete Good ol Murray Walker.

    Is it me or does Legard just not shut up???

  95. I agree that Leggard should go, he may be ideally suited to football or horse racing but that constant chat spoils the whole race for me.
    Martin has it just right, he tells you what you need to know with authority and shuts up when there is nothing to add.
    I do need need to told the obvious while I am watching it happen!

  96. hadan earful
    20th June 2009, 20:35

    No, I’ve really tried but Legard leaves me cold. He sounds like he’s commentating on a horse race and makes so many gaffs it’s started to get really annoying.

    In today’s quali at one point he shouted “Button’s Out” just because Vettel had put in a faster lap! I had to wait to see Jensen was still on the track to know it was another stupid comment.

    I also get the feeling that Brundle’s not too happy with him either.

  97. The answer to “What makes a good commentator” is tone of voice, clarity and delivery. Blundell knew a thing or two but his diction completely messed up his comments. Goodman was OK except for the accentuated strutting. Her head movements were nearly as bad as old Murray. Kravitz is presentable and speaks well enough. Mckenzie is unnecessary but if we have to have a pretty face around the paddock then she is certainly passable. Humphrey just about makes the grade. He interviews quite well and has a pleasing tone of voice. Coulthard is a driver who knows what he’s talking about and is fluent. Someone should tell Eddy to stop reminding everyone he was a team boss. We know what you were Eddy so please change the record a little. Brundle is the mainstay of the team and has been since he came into the commentary box. Martin, if you must do your grid walk then interview racing folk and not stupid so called Celebrities. The perfect commentary team would be Brundle and Davidson. Certainly the latter would rather be behind an F1 steering wheel but he is great to listen to. Martin and Anthony know every litle move that is happening at any one time. In my humble opinion the fly in the ointment at present is Legard. His voice is not easy to listen to and he delivers comments in short overly dramatic bursts. I have noticed on several occasions this season Martin has cut in with a contradictory comment to correct a clanger by Legard. Murray made them all the time but then he was Murray and we had to laugh off his sometimes crazy comments. I’m not a fan of the BBC but I should compliment them on F1 production at present. It is good. To conclude, all I can say is “COME ON JENSON”, you can do it.

  98. I am now really frustrated by the quality of Jonathan Legard’s commentary.

    From the first race of the season Legard appeared to know almost nothing about F1. His only style has been to use lots of really bad repeating phrases such as:

    “And it’s Button in the front for Brawn, then team mate Barichello, from Webber, from Vettel, from…”
    “Button from Barrichello from Vettel from Heidfeld. Brawn from Brawn from Red Bull from BMW”
    “Knows the time to beat”
    “Pushing On”
    “He’s on a charge”
    “Round the final corner”
    “He’s battling on”
    “Now what can this man do?”
    “Down the hill”
    “Can he make it?”
    “Up the hill”
    “Round turn 9/10/11 etc.”

    I cannot think of one intelligent comment Legard has made so far in the 2009 season. I just get so frustrated trying to watch a GP with his constant nonsense background noise. Whenever anything does happen he is so busy ‘making noise’ that he misses it. Occasionally Legard stops to catch breath and Brundel is able to make an interesting observation before Legards excitedly butts in and starts making noise again.

    I literally resorted to muting the sound on my TV for the last race (Valencia). This was an unbelievably boring race with one genuine overtaking moment, yet somehow all the way through Legard was stuck in a sort of frenzy of noise.

    Surely the BBC will replace Legard… please… please

  99. I’ve just read OM’s contribution-25/08/09 and must pass on my compliments on it. He/she, has summed up Legard beautifully. Reading what others have written, I am pleased to see that so many agree with my earlier comments (27/07/09)regarding Legard. Take note BBC, Legard has to go if not this season then for 2010.

  100. Yes and hes actually getting worse. I remember everyone fussed about James Allen but he got better despite never really having a great voice for it. He was intelligent and upped his game, Legard needs to do the same. Personally id have James Allen back right now. He just needs to hid the fags and jack daniels

  101. Just watched the 2010 Japanese GP with Lee Mckenzie as lead. What a refreshing, welcome change although Jake does an admirable job with Eddie and David it was really nice to see Lee in front of the camera. I hope she will be given more races to cover in future. How about alternate weeks for 2011 ?

  102. Yeh ask martin whitaker and eddie james and I’m sure they’ll agree. She looks better than jake but that’s it. He’s suprisingly able. I’m not sure he’s enjoying his stint hosting the coomonwealths. Face like thunder when I watched a bit.

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