New podium, Yas Marina, 2023

Yas Marina’s new podium and more pictures from the build-up to the Abu Dhabi GP

F1 Pictures

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Pictures from the build-up to the 2023 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix at the Yas Marina Circuit, which has a new-look podium for this year’s race.

The platform the top three finishers will stand on straddles the pit wall, similar to the design used at the Monza at Monza.

Ahead of the final race weekend of the season, several teams posed for group photographs featuring all of their trackside staff.

There is a larger-than-usual complement of junior drivers at the event, as no fewer than 10 of them will participate in the opening practice session yesterday.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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5 comments on “Yas Marina’s new podium and more pictures from the build-up to the Abu Dhabi GP”

  1. Interesting new podium design & very Monza-like, & as a funny side note, nice to know already what present Bottas received for the annual ‘Secret Santa’ video series filmed on every pre-Abu Dhabi GP Thursday with the upload on F1’s official YT channel closer to Christmas, although the driver who gifted that book will only get revealed in that video.

  2. “…similar to the design used at the Monza at Monza” 🙈

  3. And the crowd goes mild!

  4. They’ll announce the crowd to the drivers… that kind of podium needs a straightful of adoring, well-refreshed fans and a long-standing racing tradition, like Le Mans or Monza. Maybe the fireworks and smoke will help cover up the Abu Dhabi tifosi.

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